Problem Driving: Nomophobia


Self Assessments

Program is an affillialted website of The KeepSober Foundation, a 501 c 3 non profit. KeepSober was founded in 2013 by tech executives to help people prevent, or in early stages avoid, the pitfalls of addiction.

In most jurisdictions first time DUI offenders , without extenuating circumstances, are referred to a Level 0.5 Early Intervention and Education Program. Means: An assessment by a licensed substance abuse counselor and 12 hours of 'classroom type' education.

KeepSober is licensed in Maryland for Level 0.5 Programs and approved in Pennsylvania for its 12 Hour Alcohol Education Program. To date, KeepSober's DUI Programs have helped tens of thousands of clients. And... we know what works and doesn't.

Why Cell Phone Use?

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts (obsessions) and/or behaviors (compulsions) that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over. This type of behavior can be considered a process addiction; like gambling addiction.

The OCD cell phone use is called nomophobia. Treatment is similar to other addictions which include diagnosis, along with other behavioral issues, and treatments. The treatments can range from education to group therapy.

Cell phone use, as it pertains to problem driving, is most suitable to KeepSober's philosophy that there are population groups - age being one - and one size doesn't fil all..

Current Status

The technology is in place; for on demand education and live group sessions. This is explained in our Technology page.